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In the dimly lit room, the walls are enveloped in swathes of rich crimson velvet, absorbing the flickering light from sconces that cast dancing shadows across the space. Amidst this seductive ambiance stands the woman, poised in the threshold of a weathered doorway, her silhouette a striking contrast against the fiery glow seeping through the cracks. With her back to the viewer, she stands in a subtle arch, her slender arms outstretched to either side, fingers delicately gripping the rough-hewn edges of the door frame. Her locks of fiery red hair cascade like molten silk down her back, each strand catching the subtle illumination and emitting a mesmerizing sheen. Her flawless face, framed by tendrils of vibrant red, remains partially obscured, adding an air of mystery to her allure. Yet, even in shadow, the subtle curve of her jawline and the delicate contour of her cheekbones hint at her exquisite beauty. As the viewer’s gaze travels downward, it’s drawn irresistibly to the focal point of the scene: her voluptuous buttocks, emphasized by the soft touch of her hands. The gentle curve of her hips flows seamlessly into the rounded swell of her rear, each contour defined by the interplay of light and shadow. The room itself seems to hold its breath, suffused with an almost palpable tension as the woman’s nude form stands poised on the threshold, a tantalizing vision bathed in the crimson glow. Despite facing away, her fair skin exudes an otherworldly radiance, casting a spell that ensnares the senses and leaves the viewer captivated by her ethereal presence.”.


In the dimly lit room, the walls are enveloped in swathes of rich crimson velvet, absorbing the flickering light from sconces that cast dancing shadows across the space. Amidst this seductive ambiance stands the woman, poised in the threshold of a weathered doorway, her silhouette a striking contrast against the fiery glow seeping through the cracks. With her back to the viewer, she stands in a subtle arch, her slender arms outstretched to either side, fingers delicately gripping the rough-hewn edges of the door frame. Her locks of fiery red hair cascade like molten silk down her back, each strand catching the subtle illumination and emitting a mesmerizing sheen. Her flawless face, framed by tendrils of vibrant red, remains partially obscured, adding an air of mystery to her allure. Yet, even in shadow, the subtle curve of her jawline and the delicate contour of her cheekbones hint at her exquisite beauty. As the viewer’s gaze travels downward, it’s drawn irresistibly to the focal point of the scene: her voluptuous buttocks, emphasized by the soft touch of her hands. The gentle curve of her hips flows seamlessly into the rounded swell of her rear, each contour defined by the interplay of light and shadow. The room itself seems to hold its breath, suffused with an almost palpable tension as the woman’s nude form stands poised on the threshold, a tantalizing vision bathed in the crimson glow. Despite facing away, her fair skin exudes an otherworldly radiance, casting a spell that ensnares the senses and leaves the viewer captivated by her ethereal presence.”.

Negative Prompt

(deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, extra limb, missing limb, floating limbs, (mutated hands and fingers:1.4), disconnected limbs, mutation, mutated, ugly, disgusting, blurry, amputation, watermark
Excluded Styles (16)
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DPM++ 2M Karras
2 weeks ago

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